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Monday, 19 December 2011

Apple to Apple / Hariri Memorial 1 vs. Hariri Memorial 2

It has only been a short while since the Hariri memorial's opening was celebrated next to the Grand Serail.
The new memorial designed by Vladimir Djurovic's landscape office, was a powerful public space statement that actually added to the scenography of the Serail, as if it were meant to be there.
The serenity that the space creates, with the steps starting from one focal point leading to a dark grey wall with the Rafic Hariri Memorial name stated on, gives the space a certain aura, as if those waterpond steps were the steps of Hariri's life himself towards what he achieved (and im not discussing any political stands on the issue)
The memorial, is a public space to enjoy (one of which Djurovic's office has offered in Beirut)
Walking by actually made me ask, who was the actual designer of the old memorial on the site of the murder, and does anyone perceive that space as a memorial ? or more of a swimming pool decorated with a couple of statues that i never got the meaning of. 
If modern sculpture was the case, then why add the Hariri sculpture later on and what do both of them add to an outdated memorial concept that has perished some decades ago.
In any case comparing Apples / what do u think >? and which is the right example for a memorial in Beirut/ a city that is so fond of memorials or a city that has been through so much that memorials seem too less to express the profound scars that had been created...

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