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Wednesday, 30 November 2011

A modern Art Museum in Beirut one day ?

So driving on my way to Beirut, each morning, passing by the National Museum (which by the way is inspired by the Egyptian architecture) - what does that say about that museum ?, I wondered, if i were to exhibit one day some of my paintings, and if all of these young talents have been doing so, where would they end up eventually if there is no such thing as a Modern Art museum in Beirut to celebrate the works of Jouni, Oueini,Basbous,Rahmeh and many others of the art scene in Beirut.
is art really doomed in beirut to end up sold , or unappreciated in some khaliji cave? is that how we value our history ? or do we appreciate at all our time and prepare for it to be mentioned history.
Yes it is a fact that Lebanon witnessed a civil war that slowed its development, but the people with their corruption and lack of culture have also contributed in that field.
I suddenly remembered back when I used to dream even wilder than today, my proposal for an extension for A Modern Art Museum from the National gallery.
Could we one day witness that extension ? or would we give up the Hippodrome for an added few square meters to be sold as high end residential apartments.
That is the responsibility each citizen holds of the future of their city.

The proposal is nothing but a thin background transparent layer projecting what is a cultural symbol of the city, as well as one of the few images that all lebanese agree upon, the national museum. An underground link helps the development from the old galleries periodically and transitionally towards modern ages by going higher within the new building.

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